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  • ​Kelly Ferguson
    ​Psychic Medium & ​Intuitive Empowerment Coach
    Book Session
    Rated #1 Psychic on "The Best Toronto"

Kelly Ferguson is a renowned Psychic Medium and Shamanic Healer with 40+ years of experience.

She has conducted thousands of professional readings and lead numerous courses and events, earning hundreds of 5-star reviews.

With over a decade of public practice, Kelly seamlessly connects heaven and earth, delving into a diverse spiritual landscape. Her training under world-renowned psychics, mediums, and coaches has refined her skills, enabling her to impart this wisdom to others.


Kelly offers a variety of session lengths to suit your needs, including 30, 45, 60-minute sessions, parties and events.

Book My Appointment
This session is for those having questions around their relationships, career decisions, finances, family matters or to explore and uncover options for “what if” scenarios. Reading includes live channeling and Oracle/Tarot cards.
Kelly is a talented Shamanic healer, energy shifter & certified Reiki practitioner. By assessing your energy and blockages, Kelly will identify what needs to be shifted. She will offer the highest levels of healing & energetic upgrades possible.
Through evidential mediumship, Kelly will connect to your loved ones on the other side and validate specific details, events & memories. Ask questions of your loved ones, or just see what messages they have for you!
An energetic home/office cleansing will improve your environment by replacing heavy energy with positive vibrations of light & love. Recommended when moving in to a new home, office or when energy is heavy or stagnant.
Kelly's advanced frequency healing removes emotional, mental, and physical trauma & blockages, leaving you empowered and relaxed. Light language infuses divine energies into your body for profound healing.
Whether it’s a fun psychic experience, connecting to loved ones in heaven or a beautiful healing experience, Kelly can customize parties and events of all occasions and sizes.

What's Your Psychic Strength?

Discover your natural intuitive gifts with this quiz, guiding you to understand how you receive psychic messages.  Trust your first reaction—
it's often the most accurate.
No right or wrong answers, just what feels right for you!

Take the Quiz!

Welcome to The Intuitive Empowerment Academy

With over a decade of professional psychic medium experience and a lifetime of spiritual enlightenment, I am proud to introduce the Intuitive Empowerment Academy. Our academy offers two transformative courses designed for those serious about evolving their abilities and ushering in a new wave of empathic entrepreneurs.

For Intuitive Professionals 
​& Spiritual Seekers

Psychic Medium Mastermind

Shift from self-doubt, fear and insecurities about your psychic abilities into a radiating confidence as a world class psychic medium who gives highly accurate, evidential reading with with ease, grace and skill in 7 months.

For Entrepreneurs 
& Energetic Advancement

Intuitive Decisions 
Made Easy

Shift from self-doubt, fear and insecurity about your intuitive abilities into mastering your energy with ease so you can make highly accurate, confident, strategic decisions and skyrocket your success in business, relationships, health and happiness.

What the Intuitive Empowerment Academy Students Say: 

Enjoy my Shamanic Underworld 
Meditation for Free!

​Together with your spirit team, you will journey to the underworld to experience inner child healing and integrate energies that had been given away, taken away or left behind. 

No experience is required to join this meditation session.